classes &

Yoga for everyBODY

This class is designed for every BODY- shape, size, flexibility or lack thereof, it does not matter. Come see for yourself how good you can feel by participating in this yoga class. Open to all levels. This class will tend to your bodies needs, expand your mindfulness and fill your soul.

See when Yoga for everyBODY is offered   

Yoga for Beginners

This 4 week class series will be will be calming, stress free. You will stretch and strengthen the body gradually. Emphasis is on building awareness of the breath and the body. Asanas are practiced at a slower pace with attention to alignment and detail. Recommended for all levels looking for a soothing, relaxing, and restorative experience, especially those newer to yoga or working with special concerns or injuries. This class is appropriate for everyone including beginners

See when Yoga for Beginners is offered   

Yoga at the Wall

The Great Yoga Wall takes Yoga to a new level.The Wall teaches you better alinement for each yoga pose. The Yoga Wall can help release tension in the back and can assist tight hamstrings in Downward Dog and forward folds. The Yoga Wall allows you to be inverted with greater ease and the support of the wall alleviates any fear.

See when Yoga at the Wall is offered   

Yoga Wall-Hip & Legs

Explore hip openers with the support of the Great Yoga Wall.

One of the most common requests heard in a yoga class is “can we work on hip openers?.” This request is usually followed by the other half of the class groaning. We have a love/hate relationship with our hips. Most of us sit for most of the day, shortening the hip flexors at the front of the hip (psoas, rectus femoris, sartorius) and tightening the hip rotators (piriformis, obturator internus, gamellus.) This class will use the Yoga Wall to go deeper in hip opening asanas.
Open to all levels, beginners are welcome

See when Yoga Wall-Hip & Legs is offered   

Yoga Wall- Bar Class

The Wall Yoga takes Yoga to a new level. The Bar class will lift, lengthen and extend the spine to create space. The Bar can be used to also assist in seated and standing posses alike, helping with alignment and heart opening.

Open to all levels, beginners are welcome.

See when Yoga Wall- Bar Class is offered   

Yoga Stretch

This class will be dedicated to moving through a series of poses linked with the movement of breath to help stretch and open the body. If you are a busy parent on the go or an avid runner, or anyBODY who deals with the aches and pains of life, this class is for you.

Beginners are welcome, open to all levels of yoga practice.

See when Yoga Stretch is offered   

Yoga Strength & Stretch

Do you need a class that covers everything? Maybe some weights and resistance bands and ending with a relaxing stretch? This practice covers it all! Approximately half of each of these 75 minute practices will challenge you physically, while the other half of the class is designed to stretch and restore.

See when Yoga Strength & Stretch is offered   

Yoga Core and Sculpt

What to expect: A high energy class that utilizes resistance bands and hand weights. Lots of core work and a flow sequence will round out this high energy class. We will have resistance bands and light weights available at the studio or feel free to bring your own.

See when Yoga Core and Sculpt is offered   

Yoga Breath and More

All levels welcome

Unlike a vinyasa class we will linger in each pose. With emphasis on breath, props and adjustments we will explore our postures with intention and attention to detail.

See when Yoga Breath and More is offered   

Tuesday with a Twist

This class will have an emphasis on twisting all parts of the body at a slower pace. Twists are a great way to release the stress in the body and a great way to use muscles of the obliques (core) to assist the rotation through the torso. Various props will be used and the class will end with a restorative pose to leave you feeling great!

See when Tuesday with a Twist is offered   

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